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ORCAs in Action Spring Webinar

The ORCAs in Action initiative features top leaders and subject matter experts from across the country dedicated to the fight against organized retail crime. The initiative is designed to support local and regional ORC efforts driven by these vital organizations. The event held on May 20th will feature:

  • A summary of several prominent ORC cases, the dedication and hard work that brought these cases together, and the partnerships and teamwork that ultimately led to successful outcomes.

  • A presentation on human trafficking and the direct link to organized retail crime. Victims of human trafficking include both children or adults, with children accounting for 27% of all the human trafficking victims worldwide.

  • Updates on ORCA activity and successful data-sharing platforms. Many of the ORCAs have recently moved to platforms with enhanced features and advanced security. Hear the latest from solution providers and ORCA leadership.

  • The importance of victim statements. Learn more from industry experts on the importance of victim statements on the successful development, closure, and prosecution of ORC cases.

For more information and to register for the event go to:

April 20

Cash Cash Theft Group Presentation

May 25

May ORCAID Retailers Meeting